Policies approved 11/28/2018 by Saphonia Gee (SG), Deborah Waters (DW), and Charles Gee (CG)

Roster Reporting Requirement

Under Board regulations 18 VAC 41-20-250.A and 18 VAC 41-70-250.A, barber, cosmetology, nail, wax, and esthetics schools are required to provide rosters of current students and students who attended in the last six months in the manner, format, and frequency prescribed by the Board. The Board has not previously enforced this requirement. To assist the Department with these audits, the Board for Barbers and Cosmetology will now enforce this requirement and has issued guidance regarding the regulatory requirement for schools to submit their student rosters to the board, as follows.

Rosters must be submitted quarterly, with rosters due on January 15, April 15, July 15, and October 15 every year. The roster should be current to within 15 days of the submission. For example, the January 15 roster should be current through December 31.

Rosters will include all students enrolled in the school as well as any students who completed, withdrew, or were terminated in the past six months. Students who are enrolled but have not begun classes must be included in the report.

Rosters will be provided on a Board supplied spreadsheet, which will include the students full name, date of birth, program type, date enrolled, the total number of hours to-date, and the date completed, terminated, or withdrew (if applicable).

Schools with no students enrolled, but the intention of operating must submit a report to that effect. Schools with no students enrolled that no longer wish to operate should terminate their license in accordance with Board regulations.

Rosters must be submitted via a secure link provided by the Board. The submission process uploads the roster into a secure site that can only be accessed by board staff and is FERPA compliant (if applicable to your school).

In each calendar year, schools will not be penalized on their first instance of reporting after the deadline, provided the report is provided within 15 days of the deadline. Subsequent late filings or failing to report within 15 days of the deadline will result in a referral for disciplinary action.

The secure link for submitting rosters is below. Schools should begin submitting the roster on January 15, 2023. The Board will allow schools to submit their first submission of student rosters by January 31, 2023, due to the Board’s delay in providing the secure link. Late filings for the January 2023 submission received after January 31, 2023, will result in a referral for disciplinary action.

All other student roster submissions must be received by the dates provided above. The dates are also listed in the attached guidance document.

Link: https://virginiagov.app.box.com/f/02b767dd37524e8b9153dc5309fe6056.

The Board approved spreadsheet for submitting student information and the frequently asked questions (FAQS) is attached.

*Please ensure that your school email address is updated in the Board’s records. Please do not mail student rosters to the Board. Schools must submit student rosters to the secure link provided by the Board.

Board For Barbers and Cosmetology